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For homeowners & contractors is looking for electricians with 10+ years experience in the field and/or bidding on projects that can produce usable in the field estimation data.
Job Description:
Residential Electrical Estimator
Job Highlights:
- Must be able to work independently and produce usable in the field estimation data for contractors and other clients.
- Must have the ability to structure data in word or spreadsheets.
- Must have the ability to interpret building plans or job photos and convert them into usable estimation data.
- Work is considered a freelance "gig" job via the purchase of digital files. You will not be hired as an employee or have a contract.
- Does not require visits to the job site.
- Electrician must be able to quantify all components of a project, materials & labor. Data must be up to par so it's usable in the field.
- Must be able to organize data in spreadsheets, word, or other means.
- Completing tasks independently without oversight.
- Projects need to be completed within 7 days.
- Electrican must have 10+ years experience in the field working as a Electrican and/or bidding on projects.
Job Location:
Fully remote - United States
Job Structure:
This is not an employee or contract position. is willing to purchase the data metered at 40-60/hour depending on the project. All projects come as they're available.
Hiring window 12/28/24-12/28/25
Contact us to arrange an interview
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